Menjaga profesionalitas dalam dunia bisnis tidak harus kaku dan formal setiap saat. Terkadang, kita bisa menyampaikan pesan dengan gaya yang santai namun tetap menjaga prinsip dasar komunikasi. Bagi Anda yang sedang mencari referensi surat pesanan barang dalam bahasa Inggris, jangan khawatir! Artikel ini siap memberikan Anda contoh yang dapat digunakan sebagai panduan untuk menulis surat pesanan dengan gaya jurnalistik yang santai.
Daftar Isi
Contoh Surat Pesanan Barang dalam Bahasa Inggris
Dear [Nama Pemasok],
Saya berharap Anda dalam keadaan mengejutkan yang menyenangkan ketika Anda membaca surat ini! Saya ingin memesan beberapa barang dari perusahaan Anda yang tahu betul kualitas serta profesionalitas yang dimiliki oleh tim Anda.
Berikut ini adalah daftar barang yang saya pesan:
- Nama Barang 1: [Deskripsi singkat barang 1]
- Nama Barang 2: [Deskripsi singkat barang 2]
- Nama Barang 3: [Deskripsi singkat barang 3]
Mohon dapat memberikan informasi lengkap mengenai harga masing-masing barang, termasuk diskon atau penawaran khusus yang sedang berlaku. Saya juga ingin mengetahui ketersediaan stok barang agar saya dapat mengatur waktu pengiriman yang sesuai.
Mohon informasikan metode pembayaran yang dapat saya gunakan, serta biaya pengiriman yang berlaku. Jika ada opsi pengiriman khusus yang lebih cepat, tolong beritahu saya agar saya bisa mempertimbangkannya.
Sekali lagi, saya sangat menghargai kerja keras Anda dan profesionalitas perusahaan Anda. Saya menantikan kerjasama yang sukses dan menguntungkan bagi kedua belah pihak.
Salam hangat,
[Nama Anda]
Terjemahan Surat Pesanan Barang dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Kepada [Nama Pemasok],
I hope this letter finds you pleasantly surprised! I would like to order several items from your company, knowing well the quality and professionalism that your team possesses.
Here is the list of items I wish to order:
- Item Name 1: [Brief description of item 1]
- Item Name 2: [Brief description of item 2]
- Item Name 3: [Brief description of item 3]
Please provide me with complete information regarding the price of each item, including any discounts or special offers that may apply. I would also like to know the availability of the items in stock so that I can arrange a suitable delivery time.
Please inform me of the payment methods available and any applicable shipping fees. If there are any expedited shipping options, please let me know so that I can consider them.
Once again, I greatly appreciate your hard work and the professionalism of your company. I look forward to a successful and mutually beneficial cooperation.
Warm regards,
[Your Name]
Itulah contoh surat pesanan barang dalam bahasa Inggris dengan gaya penulisan jurnalistik yang santai. Semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan panduan yang bermanfaat bagi Anda. Selamat menulis dan sukses dalam bisnis Anda!
Apa Itu Surat Pesanan Barang?
Surat pesanan barang adalah dokumen tertulis yang dibuat oleh pihak pembeli dan digunakan untuk memesan barang atau produk tertentu kepada pihak penjual. Surat pesanan ini berisi instruksi yang jelas tentang produk yang ingin dibeli, kuantitas, harga, serta instruksi pengiriman dan pembayaran. Surat pesanan barang penting untuk menjaga kerjasama yang baik antara pembeli dan penjual, karena dengan adanya surat pesanan, proses pembelian menjadi lebih terstruktur dan terorganisir.
How to Write a Surat Pesanan Barang in English?
When writing a surat pesanan barang in English, you need to include the following information:
1. Sender’s Information
Start the letter by providing your company’s name, address, and contact details. It is important to include your email address and phone number so that the seller can easily reach you.
2. Date
Mention the date when the letter is being written. This will help in record-keeping and tracking the order.
3. Recipient’s Information
Provide the name, address, and contact details of the seller or the supplier. Make sure to include their email address and phone number for communication purposes.
4. Subject
Clearly state the purpose of the letter in the subject line. For example, “Order of Goods – [Your Company Name].” This will help the receiver to quickly understand the purpose of the letter.
5. Body of the Letter
Start the letter with a formal salutation, such as “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To whom it may concern.” In the body of the letter, clearly state the details of the order. Include the following information:
a. Product Description
Provide a brief description of the products you wish to order. Include specific details such as the brand, model, size, and any other relevant information. Be clear and concise to avoid any confusion.
b. Quantity and Price
Specify the quantity of each product you require. If there are different variants or sizes, mention them as well. Clearly state the price per unit or the total cost of the order.
c. Delivery Instructions
Provide instructions regarding the delivery of the goods. Mention the desired delivery date, preferred shipping method, and any specific requirements or documents needed for customs clearance.
d. Payment Terms
Outline the agreed-upon payment terms, such as the payment method, due date, and any contractual agreements or terms and conditions related to the payment.
6. Closing
End the letter with a formal closing, such as “Yours sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name and designation. Make sure to sign the letter if it is being sent as a hard copy.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Can I send a surat pesanan barang via email?
Yes, you can send a surat pesanan barang via email. Make sure to include all the necessary details in the body of the email and clearly state the subject as “Order of Goods – [Your Company Name].” It is also recommended to follow up with a phone call to ensure the email has been received.
2. How long does it take to receive a response after sending a surat pesanan barang?
The response time may vary depending on the seller’s availability and workload. It is advisable to give the seller a reasonable timeframe to respond, usually within 3-5 business days. If you haven’t received a response within this timeframe, it is recommended to follow up with a phone call or email.
3. Should I provide a purchase order number in the surat pesanan barang?
Providing a purchase order number is optional but recommended. A purchase order number helps in tracking and referencing the order in your records. It simplifies communication between the buyer and seller and ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding the specific order.
In conclusion, writing a surat pesanan barang in English requires clear and concise communication. Including all the necessary details and instructions will help in smooth and efficient order processing. Whether sending the surat pesanan barang via email or as a hard copy, maintaining professionalism and clarity is essential. By following the guidelines mentioned above, you can ensure a successful and mutually beneficial buyer-seller relationship.
Take action now and start writing your own surat pesanan barang in English to streamline your procurement process!