Parallel Structure with Coordinate Conjunctions: Perpaduan Asyik yang Menghidupkan Kalimat

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Siapa yang bilang tata bahasa harus membosankan? Siapa bilang aturan harus kaku? Di artikel ini, kita akan membahas tentang “parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions”, sebuah teknik menyenangkan yang dapat menghidupkan kalimat-kalimat kita dalam tulisan.

Kita mulai dengan pertanyaan, apa sih parallel structure itu? Singkatnya, parallel structure adalah mengatur kata-kata atau frasa-frasa dalam kalimat sedemikian rupa sehingga memiliki pola yang konsisten. Ketika kita menggunakan parallel structure, kita menggunakan bentuk yang sama untuk serangkaian kata atau frasa yang memiliki fungsi yang sama dalam kalimat.

Ada beberapa jenis coordinate conjunctions yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat parallel structure, seperti “dan”, “atau”, dan “entah…apa atau entah…apa”. Contohnya: “Dia suka makan steak, pizza, dan burger.” Dalam kalimat tersebut, kita menggunakan kata “dan” untuk menghubungkan serangkaian nama makanan.

Parallel structure dengan coordinate conjunctions dapat digunakan dalam berbagai situasi dalam menulis. Mari kita lihat beberapa contoh dalam penggunaan sehari-hari.

1. Memaparkan Daftar
Misalnya, kita ingin menyebutkan beberapa hobi seseorang. Kita bisa menggunakan parallel structure untuk menampilkan daftar tersebut dengan lebih rapi dan mudah dibaca, seperti: “Dia suka berenang, bersepeda, atau berkemah.”

2. Membandingkan Ide atau Konsep
Saat kita ingin membandingkan ide atau konsep, kita bisa menggunakan parallel structure untuk memberikan kesan yang lebih tegas dan teratur. Sebagai contoh: “Kegiatan ini baik untuk kesehatan fisik dan mental, menyenangkan dan mendidik, serta menghasilkan kenangan yang tak terlupakan.”

3. Menggambarkan Serangkaian Peristiwa
Parallel structure juga berguna ketika kita ingin menggambarkan serangkaian peristiwa atau kejadian secara teratur. Contohnya: “Ia pertama kali tersenyum, lalu melambaikan tangan, dan akhirnya berlari menghampiri saya.”

Namun, kita perlu berhati-hati ketika menggunakan parallel structure. Kita harus memastikan bahwa semua unsur yang dipadankan memiliki struktur gramatikal yang sama. Contohnya: “Dia suka berlari, berenang, atau ke dalam sauna.” Dalam kalimat tersebut, “berlari” dan “berenang” merupakan bentuk verba, sedangkan “ke dalam sauna” merupakan bentuk frasa preposisional. Ini tidak mengikuti pola parallel structure yang benar.

Dalam penulisan artikel ini, kita telah membahas tentang parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions sebagai teknik yang dapat menghidupkan kalimat-kalimat kita. Dengan mengikuti aturan ini, kita dapat menghasilkan tulisan yang lebih menarik, teratur, dan enak dibaca. Jadi, jangan ragu untuk mengasah kemampuanmu dalam menggunakan parallel structure, dan saksikan tulisan-tulisanmu “naik daun” di mesin pencari Google!

Apa Itu Parallel Structure with Coordinate Conjunctions?

Parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions refers to a grammatical construction in which words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance are organized in a balanced and parallel manner. It involves using the same grammatical form for elements that are connected by coordinating conjunctions such as “and,” “or,” or “but.”

Examples of Parallel Structure with Coordinate Conjunctions

To better understand parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions, let’s look at some examples:

Example 1:

Incorrect: She likes swimming, hiking, and to ride a bike.

Correct: She likes swimming, hiking, and biking.

Example 2:

Incorrect: Sarah enjoys cooking, gardening, and to read books.

Correct: Sarah enjoys cooking, gardening, and reading books.

Example 3:

Incorrect: He mentioned that he enjoys playing football, basketball, and playing video games.

Correct: He mentioned that he enjoys playing football, basketball, and video games.

In these examples, the incorrect versions use different grammatical forms for the elements in the list, resulting in a lack of parallelism. The correct versions, on the other hand, use a consistent grammatical form for each element, making the sentence grammatically correct and maintaining parallel structure.

The Importance of Parallel Structure with Coordinate Conjunctions

Using parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions is essential for clarity and readability in writing. It helps to maintain a sense of balance and symmetry, making the information easier to follow and understand.

Parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions also adds emphasis to the elements being connected. By presenting them in a parallel manner, it highlights their equal importance and creates a strong impact on the reader.

How to Use Parallel Structure with Coordinate Conjunctions

To create parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the elements to be connected

Determine the words, phrases, or clauses that need to be included in the parallel structure. These elements should be of equal importance and connected by a coordinating conjunction.

Step 2: Choose a grammatical form

Select a grammatical form that will be used for all the elements. This can be a noun, a verb, an adjective, or any other part of speech that suits the context.

Step 3: Arrange the elements in parallel form

Organize the elements in a consistent and parallel manner. Ensure that they have the same grammatical form and are connected by coordinating conjunctions.

Step 4: Revise and proofread

Review your sentence or paragraph to ensure that the parallel structure is maintained throughout. Make any necessary revisions to maintain consistency.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What happens if parallel structure is not used with coordinate conjunctions?

If parallel structure is not used with coordinate conjunctions, the sentence or paragraph can become confusing and difficult to comprehend. The lack of parallelism can disrupt the flow of information and make it harder for the reader to understand the intended meaning.

2. Can parallel structure be used with all types of coordinating conjunctions?

Yes, parallel structure can be used with all types of coordinating conjunctions, including “and,” “or,” “but,” “nor,” “for,” “yet,” and “so.” It is important to maintain consistency in parallel structure regardless of the coordinating conjunction used.

3. Are there any exceptions to using parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions?

While parallel structure is generally preferred for clarity and readability, some variations can be used for stylistic purposes. However, it is important to ensure that any deviations from parallel structure are intentional and contribute to the overall effectiveness of the writing.


In conclusion, parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions is a valuable grammatical tool for creating balance, clarity, and emphasis in writing. By using the same grammatical form for elements connected by coordinating conjunctions, readers can easily follow the information and understand the intended meaning. Remember to always revise and proofread your work to ensure that parallel structure is maintained throughout. By incorporating parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions into your writing, you can enhance the overall effectiveness and impact of your message.

Now that you understand the importance and how to use parallel structure with coordinate conjunctions, apply this knowledge in your writing to elevate its quality and make a stronger impact on your readers. Start practicing the use of parallel structure in your sentences and paragraphs, and you will see the difference it makes in creating clear and impactful communication.

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