Bohay dalam Bahasa Inggris: Membahas Mengenai “Curvy” dalam Dunia Bahasa

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Dalam industri mode dan kecantikan, istilah “bohay” yang populer di Indonesia sedang menjadi topik hangat. Namun, apakah kita dapat menemukan padanan kata yang pas dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menggambarkan keindahan perempuan dengan tubuh lebih berisi ini? Mari kita temukan jawabannya!

Dalam bahasa Inggris, istilah yang lazim digunakan untuk memperlihatkan persamaan dengan “bohay” adalah “curvy.” Terbentuk dari kata “curve,” istilah ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan sosok perempuan dengan bentuk tubuh yang mempunyai lekuk-lekuk indah dan proporsi yang menarik.

Meskipun seringkali “curvy” diartikan sebagai kata sederhana, namun sebenarnya ini merujuk pada keindahan yang mencerminkan bentuk tubuh yang berlemak dan proporsional. Ini menyoroti pentingnya menerima dan menghargai berbagai jenis kecantikan tubuh yang ada di dunia ini. Dalam komunitas ini, wanita “curvy” merujuk pada perempuan yang tidak hanya cantik, tetapi juga memiliki kepercayaan diri dan kemampuan untuk merayakan bentuk tubuh mereka.

Mungkin bagi beberapa orang, istilah “bohay” dan “curvy” mungkin memiliki makna yang sedikit berbeda, tetapi keduanya berusaha untuk menekankan pesan yang sama: bahwa kecantikan adalah penerimaan diri dan menikmati keunikan dalam diri kita sendiri.

Perlu kami tekankan bahwa penggunaan istilah ini tidak bermaksud untuk mengkategorikan atau mengklasifikasikan wanita berdasarkan tubuh mereka. Sebaliknya, baik “bohay” maupun “curvy” berperan dalam mempromosikan keragaman tubuh dan merayakan keindahan alami setiap individu.

Pada akhirnya, tidak peduli apa bahasa yang kita gunakan, penting bagi kita sebagai masyarakat untuk menghormati dan mendukung perempuan dari berbagai bentuk tubuh. Kepercayaan diri dan penghargaan diri adalah kunci untuk merasa cantik dan tampil percaya diri, dan itulah pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh kedua istilah ini.

Jadi, dengan tubuh yang berisi atau dengan lekuk yang menarik, mari kita bersatu untuk merayakan semua jenis kecantikan dan membangun masyarakat yang inklusif bagi semua orang tanpa kecuali.

Apa itu Bohay dalam Bahasa Inggris?

Bohay is a term commonly used in Indonesian slang to describe someone who has a plump or curvaceous figure. This term is derived from the Indonesian word “buaya” which means crocodile. It is often used to refer to women who have a voluptuous body shape, particularly with large breasts and hips.

Being bohay is considered attractive and desirable in Indonesian culture, as it is associated with fertility and femininity. The term has gained popularity in recent years, especially through social media and the entertainment industry. Many public figures, such as models and celebrities, embrace their bohayness and proudly showcase their curvaceous bodies.

While bohay is often used to describe a woman’s physical appearance, it can also refer to someone’s attitude or behavior. In this context, bohay is used to describe someone who is confident, sassy, and unapologetically themselves. It is a term that celebrates self-love and body positivity.

Cara Bohay dalam Bahasa Inggris

Becoming bohay is not just about physical appearance, but also about embracing self-confidence and body positivity. Here are some ways to embody the bohay spirit:

1. Embrace Your Curves

Instead of trying to conform to society’s narrow beauty standards, embrace and celebrate your curves. Wear clothes that flatter your body shape and make you feel confident. Remember, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

2. Practice Self-Love

Bohayness is not just about physical appearance, but also about loving and accepting yourself as you are. Take care of your mental and emotional well-being, practice self-care, and surround yourself with positive influences.

3. Be Confident

Confidence is key when it comes to bohayness. Walk with your head held high, speak up for yourself, and embrace your unique qualities. Remember that your worth is not defined by societal beauty standards.

4. Support Body Positivity

Spread the message of body positivity and inclusivity. Encourage others to love and accept themselves, regardless of their body shape or size. Celebrate diversity and challenge societal beauty norms.

5. Avoid Body Shaming

Avoid engaging in body shaming, both towards yourself and others. Instead of focusing on perceived flaws, appreciate and celebrate the beauty of all bodies. Create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone.


1. Is being bohay only for women?

No, the term bohay can be used to describe both men and women. However, it is more commonly associated with women due to its origins and usage in Indonesian slang.

2. Does being bohay mean being overweight?

No, being bohay does not necessarily mean being overweight. The term is more focused on having a curvaceous figure, regardless of body weight. It celebrates all body shapes and sizes.

3. Can I be bohay if I don’t have curves?

Yes, bohayness is not solely determined by physical appearance. It is about embracing confidence, self-love, and body positivity. You can be bohay regardless of your body shape or size.


Bohay is a term used in Indonesian slang to describe someone who has a plump or curvaceous figure. It is often associated with women who embrace their voluptuous bodies and exude confidence. Becoming bohay is about more than just physical appearance; it is about embracing self-love, body positivity, and supporting inclusivity. Whether you have curves or not, you can embody the bohay spirit by practicing self-acceptance, being confident, and spreading the message of body positivity. So celebrate your uniqueness and remember that bohayness is about being unapologetically yourself.

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