Rumus “Would Like To”: Mengungkap Hasrat Tanpa Bahasa Formal

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Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, seringkali kita merasakan keinginan atau hasrat untuk melakukan sesuatu, namun terhambat oleh aturan-aturan bahasa formal yang terdengar kaku. Namun, jangan khawatir! Ada satu rumus sederhana yang dapat digunakan untuk mengucapkan keinginan tersebut dengan lebih santai dan bebas. Rumus tersebut adalah “Would like to”.

“Would Like To”: Sebuah Ekspresi yang Hangat dan Ramah

Pada dasarnya, rumus “Would like to” dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan kalimat formal “I want to” atau “I would like”. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, penggunaan rumus ini akan memberikan kesan yang lebih santai dan akrab.

Contohnya, daripada berkata “Saya ingin mencoba makanan khas Indonesia”, kita dapat menggunakan rumus “Would like to” dengan kalimat yang lebih ramah seperti “Saya would like to mencoba makanan khas Indonesia nih!”.

Menggunakan Rumus “Would Like To” dalam Konteks Sehari-hari

Rumus “Would like to” dapat digunakan dalam berbagai situasi sehari-hari. Misalnya saat ingin mengajak teman untuk bermain bola, kita dapat mengatakan “Kamu would like to main bola bareng gak?” atau saat ingin menawarkan bantuan kepada seseorang, kita bisa mengucapkan “Aku would like to membantumu dengan tugas ini, kok!”

Dengan menggunakan rumus ini, komunikasi menjadi lebih santai dan membuat orang lain lebih mudah merasa dekat dengan kita. Selain itu, dalam konteks SEO, penggunaan rumus “Would like to” juga dapat membantu meningkatkan ranking di mesin pencari Google. Mesin pencari seperti Google akan mengenali artikel dengan gaya penulisan yang santai dan akrab sebagai konten yang relevan dan menarik bagi pengguna.


Rumus “Would like to” merupakan sebuah cara yang efektif untuk mengungkapkan hasrat atau keinginan dengan gaya penulisan yang santai dan akrab. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, rumus ini dapat digunakan untuk membangun ikatan sosial dengan orang lain dan menciptakan suasana yang lebih hangat. Di sisi lain, dalam upaya meningkatkan ranking SEO di mesin pencari Google, penggunaan rumus ini membuat artikel kita terlihat lebih relevan dan menarik bagi pengguna. Jadi, jangan ragu lagi untuk menggunakan rumus “Would like to” dalam komunikasi sehari-hari dan tulisan-tulisan kita!

What is the Would Like To Formula?

The Would Like To formula is a mathematical equation that is used to express a person’s desire or preference for something. It is commonly used in decision-making processes and can help individuals prioritize their wants and needs.

The formula is written as follows:

Would Like To = (Importance x Feasibility) + (Urgency x Desirability)


  • Importance (I) represents how important the desired outcome is to the individual. It is usually measured on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being least important and 10 being most important.
  • Feasibility (F) refers to how achievable or realistic it is to attain the desired outcome. It takes into consideration factors such as resources, time, and effort required. Feasibility is also measured on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being least feasible and 10 being most feasible.
  • Urgency (U) indicates the time sensitivity of the desired outcome. It reflects how quickly the individual wants or needs to achieve it. Urgency is typically measured on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being least urgent and 10 being most urgent.
  • Desirability (D) represents the level of attractiveness or desirability of the desired outcome. It takes into account the emotional appeal and personal satisfaction associated with achieving the goal. Desirability is also measured on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being least desirable and 10 being most desirable.

How to Use the Would Like To Formula?

The Would Like To formula can be used in various situations, such as setting personal goals, making decisions, or prioritizing tasks. Here are the steps to use the formula effectively:

1. Identify your desired outcome

Begin by clearly defining what you would like to achieve or obtain. It could be a personal goal, a professional target, or a specific item or experience.

2. Determine the importance of the outcome

Assess the importance of the desired outcome on a scale from 1 to 10. Consider the potential impact it would have on your life, happiness, or overall well-being. Assign a numerical value to represent its importance.

3. Evaluate the feasibility of the outcome

Consider the feasibility of achieving the desired outcome. Evaluate the available resources, time commitments, and potential obstacles. Assign a numerical value to represent its feasibility on a scale from 1 to 10.

4. Assess the time sensitivity of the outcome

Determine how urgently you want or need to achieve the desired outcome. Consider any time constraints or deadlines associated with it. Assign a numerical value to represent its urgency on a scale from 1 to 10.

5. Evaluate the desirability of the outcome

Reflect on the emotional appeal and personal satisfaction associated with achieving the desired outcome. Consider the level of desire and passion you have towards it. Assign a numerical value to represent its desirability on a scale from 1 to 10.

6. Apply the formula

Once you have assigned numerical values for importance, feasibility, urgency, and desirability, plug them into the Would Like To formula. Multiply the importance by the feasibility, and add it to the product of urgency and desirability.

Would Like To = (Importance x Feasibility) + (Urgency x Desirability)

7. Compare and prioritize

Compare the results of the formula for different desired outcomes. The higher the score, the more priority you should assign to that particular outcome. Use the formula as a tool to guide your decision-making process and to help you allocate your time, energy, and resources effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can the Would Like To formula be used for both personal and professional goals?

A: Yes, the Would Like To formula can be applied to both personal and professional settings. It helps individuals prioritize their goals and make informed decisions based on their desires, importance, feasibility, urgency, and desirability.

Q: Are there any limitations to using the Would Like To formula?

A: While the Would Like To formula provides a structured approach to decision-making, it is important to note that it does not consider external factors and variables that may impact the outcome. It should be used as a guiding tool rather than a definitive solution.

Q: How can I improve the feasibility of achieving my desired outcome?

A: To improve the feasibility of achieving your desired outcome, break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. Create a step-by-step plan and allocate resources efficiently. Seek support from others who can help you overcome obstacles and provide guidance.


In conclusion, the Would Like To formula is a valuable tool for individuals to express their desires and preferences in a structured manner. By considering the importance, feasibility, urgency, and desirability of a desired outcome, the formula helps individuals make informed decisions and prioritize their goals effectively.

Next time you find yourself torn between multiple options or unsure about what you truly want, try using the Would Like To formula. It can provide clarity and help you focus on what matters most to you. So, go ahead and apply the formula to your decision-making process, and start taking action towards achieving your desired outcomes!

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