Cerita Malin Kundang Versi Bahasa Inggris: When Recklessness Meets Unforgiving Consequences

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In the vast realm of folk tales from Indonesia, there lies a legend known as “Malin Kundang.” This tale, which originated from West Sumatra, holds a valuable lesson that transcends generations. Today, we will embark on a journey to discover the English version of this fascinating story, marveling at the consequences of one’s actions and the power of remorse.

Once upon a time, in a small coastal village, there lived a young and ambitious lad named Malin Kundang. Born into a modest family, he dreamt of exploring the world beyond his village’s shores. Driven by his relentless spirit, Malin left his loved ones behind and set sail to find prosperity in faraway lands.

Malin Kundang’s vessel sailed through treacherous seas and encountered fierce storms, as if fate itself opposed his journey. But the young man’s unwavering determination kept him going, fueling his belief in his ability to overcome any hurdle. Finally, after years of struggle, he successfully amassed wealth beyond measure and rose to prominence in a foreign land.

However, Malin soon found himself succumbing to the temptations of opulence and becoming blinded by greed. He flaunted his newfound riches and acquired a luxurious lifestyle, dismissing the humble beginnings from which he had emerged. His heart grew cold and callous, forgetting the people who had supported him during his journey.

One fateful day, as Malin Kundang’s ship approached the shores of his village, a woman with a wrinkled face and teary eyes rushed toward him. It was his mother, who had aged significantly in his absence. Overwhelmed with a mixture of excitement and longing, she reached out to embrace her long-lost son.

However, Malin Kundang, now consumed by his arrogance, refused to acknowledge her. He turned away, avoiding any association with his humble past. In his prideful state, he denied her existence, revealing his true colors to those witnessing the heartbreaking scene.

In that very moment, a divine force unleashed its wrath upon Malin Kundang, transforming him into a stone statue as a consequence of his heartless actions. Forever petrified on the shores he had once left, he would stand as a reminder to all who passed by, a stark example of the retribution faced by those who abandon their roots and reject their loved ones.

The story of Malin Kundang carries an essential moral lesson that resonates with people from all walks of life. It teaches us the importance of staying grounded, honoring our roots, and cherishing those who have supported us throughout our journey. So, let this tale serve as a reminder to tread the path of humility, gratitude, and compassion.

As the sun sets beyond the horizon, casting a warm glow on Malin Kundang’s stone figure, we are reminded of the consequences that await those who neglect their past. May we learn from his tale and strive to become better individuals, embracing our loved ones with open arms and cherishing the bonds that tie us to our origins.

Apa Itu Cerita Malin Kundang?

Cerita Malin Kundang adalah salah satu cerita rakyat dari Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Cerita ini mengisahkan tentang seorang pemuda bernama Malin Kundang yang durhaka kepada ibunya dan akhirnya dihukum menjadi batu laut.

Cerita Malin Kundang Versi Bahasa Inggris

Once upon a time, in a small village in West Sumatra, Indonesia, there lived a young man named Malin Kundang. He came from a poor family and dreamed of making a better life for himself. One day, a merchant ship arrived at the village’s harbor and Malin saw an opportunity to escape poverty.

Malin approached the ship’s captain and asked if he could join the crew and travel to faraway lands. The captain, impressed by Malin’s determination, agreed to take him on board. Malin bid farewell to his mother and promised to return home rich and successful.

Years passed and Malin became a successful merchant. He amassed great wealth and lived a lavish lifestyle. However, he forgot about his promise to his mother and never returned to his village. He surrounded himself with material possessions and cared only about his own well-being.

One day, Malin’s ship returned to the village, and he decided to visit his hometown incognito. He didn’t want anyone to know about his wealth and success. As he walked through the village, the news of his arrival spread like wildfire, and his mother heard about it too.

Malin’s mother, who had waited anxiously for her son’s return, rushed to see him. She recognized him instantly, despite his disguise. Overwhelmed with joy and longing, she ran towards him and hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face.

But instead of embracing his mother, Malin turned his back on her, pretending not to know her. He was ashamed of his humble origins and did not want to associate with his past. With a cold heart, he rejected his own mother, who had waited for him all those years.

Heartbroken and devastated, Malin’s mother cursed him. She wished for him to turn into stone, like his heart. At that moment, a thunderstorm struck the village, and Malin Kundang instantly transformed into a stone statue on the beach.

Cara Cerita Malin Kundang Versi Bahasa Inggris

There are various versions of the story, but here is a popular English version of the Malin Kundang story:

1. The Beginning

In a small coastal village, there lived a young man named Malin Kundang. He came from a poor family and dreamed of escaping poverty. One day, a merchant ship arrived at the village’s harbor, and Malin saw an opportunity to fulfill his dreams.

He approached the captain and asked if he could join the ship’s crew. The captain, impressed by Malin’s determination, agreed to take him on board. Malin bid farewell to his mother and promised to return home as a successful man.

2. The Journey

Malin set sail with the merchant ship to faraway lands. He worked hard and proved to be a valuable member of the crew. Over the years, he gained experience and knowledge in trading, successfully growing his wealth.

Malin became a respected merchant, owning his own ship and trading goods from different parts of the world. He lived a luxurious life and enjoyed the privileges that came with his success.

3. The Neglect

In his pursuit of wealth, Malin forgot his promise to return to his village. He became too consumed with his own success and turned a blind eye to his family and hometown.

Years passed, and Malin’s ship finally returned to his village. Curiosity and excitement filled the air as the villagers prepared to welcome their successful fellow villager.

4. The Reunion

News of Malin’s arrival reached his mother, who had eagerly waited for her son’s return. Overwhelmed with joy, she rushed to the beach where the ship docked.

She recognized Malin instantly, even though he looked different due to his extravagant attire. Tears of happiness streamed down her face as she embraced her long-lost son.

But to her dismay, Malin turned away from her, pretending not to know her. He denied his own mother, embarrassed by his humble background and afraid of tarnishing his reputation.

5. The Curse

Heartbroken and filled with anger, Malin’s mother cursed him. She wished for him to turn into stone, just as cold and heartless as his actions.

At that very moment, a raging thunderstorm swept across the village. Lightning struck Malin Kundang, and he instantly turned into a stone statue on the beach.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Is the story of Malin Kundang based on real events?

No, the story of Malin Kundang is a folk tale and not based on real events. It is a popular Indonesian folklore that teaches moral lessons about filial piety and the consequences of being ungrateful.

2. What is the moral lesson of the Malin Kundang story?

The Malin Kundang story teaches the importance of honoring one’s parents and staying true to one’s roots. It warns against the dangers of greed and arrogance, showing that wealth and success should not come at the expense of family values.

3. Are there any variations of the Malin Kundang story?

Yes, there are variations of the Malin Kundang story in different regions of Indonesia. Some versions include additional characters or events, but the core message remains the same.


The story of Malin Kundang serves as a reminder to value and appreciate our family and roots. It teaches us to remain humble and grateful, no matter how successful or wealthy we become.

Let us be inspired by this timeless tale of love, betrayal, and redemption. May it encourage us to cherish our loved ones and always remember the importance of empathy and compassion.

Now, go and share this story with others to spread its valuable lessons and ignite positive change in our society.

Mengisahkan cerita dan menulis buku anak. Dari bercerita di kelas hingga menciptakan kisah yang abadi, aku menciptakan pesona dan literasi.

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