Cerita Situ Bagendit dalam Bahasa Inggris: Kisah Unik dari Tanah Pasundan

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Situ Bagendit, atau dikenal juga sebagai Lake Bagendit, dapat dikatakan sebagai perhiasan alam yang tersembunyi di Jawa Barat. Terletak di Desa Lengkong, Kabupaten Garut, dan dikelilingi oleh lembah yang hijau serta pesona pegunungan, situ ini memiliki cerita unik yang beredar di kalangan masyarakat setempat. Ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang cerita Situ Bagendit dalam bahasa Inggris? Mari kita simak!

Legenda Situ Bagendit bermula dengan kisah seorang gadis cantik bernama Dayang Sumbi. Menurut cerita yang beredar, Dayang Sumbi adalah seorang putri yang disayang oleh ayahnya, seorang raja dari Kerajaan Padjadjaran. Kecantikannya pun membuat Sang Hyang Tunggal jatuh hati padanya, dan menginginkan untuk menjadikannya sebagai istrinya.

Bagaimanapun, Dayang Sumbi menolak tawaran Sang Hyang Tunggal karena ia ingin menikmati hidup yang normal, jauh dari dunia dewa. Mengetahui hal ini, Sang Hyang Tunggal sangat marah dan menjatuhkan kutukan atas Dayang Sumbi: ia akan diberikan seorang suami setan yang akan mengambil nyawanya dalam waktu dekat.

Tak lama kemudian, Dayang Sumbi menikah dan dikaruniai seorang anak bernama Sangkuriang. Namun, tanpa diduga, Sangkuriang adalah wujud dari kutukan Sang Hyang Tunggal yang diubah menjadi manusia. Dayang Sumbi yang tahu akan takdirnya yang tragis, berusaha mencari cara untuk menghindari takdir yang sudah ditetapkan.

Dalam usahanya untuk menyelamatkan diri, Dayang Sumbi meminta bantuan dari seorang dukun. Dukun tersebut memberikan batasan dan syarat kepada Dayang Sumbi agar takdir buruknya dapat diubah. Syarat tersebut adalah meminta Sangkuriang untuk membangun sebuah danau dalam semalam serta mengisi danau tersebut dengan ikan danau.

Tanpa terpikirkan, Sangkuriang menyetujui syarat dan segera memulai proses pembangunan danau. Namun, keajaiban tak terduga terjadi, ketika Sangkuriang hampir menyelesaikan pembangunannya dengan cepat, Dayang Sumbi menyadari bahwa takdirnya semakin dekat. Ia pun menggunakan kekuatan ajaibnya untuk memutar waktu dan membangkitkan fajar lebih cepat. Terkejut oleh kejadian ini, Sangkuriang serta merta meninggalkan pekerjaannya.

Akhir dari cerita Situ Bagendit adalah pembangunan danau yang tak pernah selesai oleh Sangkuriang. Hingga saat ini, danau tersebut dikenal dengan nama Situ Bagendit yang artinya “danau yang tak selesai”. Danau ini menyajikan pemandangan yang indah dan dikelilingi oleh legenda yang penuh dengan keajaiban, memberikan daya tarik bagi wisatawan lokal maupun internasional.

Nah, itulah sedikit cerita Situ Bagendit dalam bahasa Inggris. Bagaimana, menarik bukan? Jadi, jika Anda mencari cerita unik yang menyatu dengan keindahan alam Indonesia, kunjungilah Situ Bagendit dan nikmati suasana yang tenang serta pesona yang tak terlupakan!

What is the story of Situ Bagendit?

The story of Situ Bagendit is a popular folk tale from Indonesia. Situ Bagendit is a lake located in West Java, and the story tells the legend of the origins of this beautiful lake.

According to the legend, there was once a powerful and wealthy widow named Nyi Bagendit. She owned vast rice fields and lived a luxurious life. However, she was known for her selfishness and greed. She would often take advantage of the farmers who worked in her fields, paying them very little for their hard work.

One day, a young and handsome man named Sangkuriang, who was the son of Nyi Bagendit’s former husband, came back to the village after years of traveling and studying. Sangkuriang was kind-hearted and compassionate, and he was loved by the villagers.

Sangkuriang heard about his mother’s cruel treatment towards the farmers and decided to teach her a lesson. He disguised himself as a poor farmer and started working in Nyi Bagendit’s rice fields. Even though he worked very hard, Nyi Bagendit still refused to pay him a fair wage.

As Sangkuriang continued to work in the fields, he noticed that the farmers were often exhausted and struggled to find clean water. He felt sorry for them and wanted to help. One day, he dug a small irrigation canal to bring water to the fields, which greatly benefited the farmers.

Nyi Bagendit was furious when she found out about the canal. She confronted Sangkuriang and demanded that he stop helping the farmers. But Sangkuriang refused to listen to her and continued to provide water for the fields.

Enraged by his defiance, Nyi Bagendit decided to get rid of him once and for all. She plotted a plan to kill Sangkuriang by poisoning his food. However, Sangkuriang was smart and suspected that Nyi Bagendit might try to harm him. So, he pretended to eat the poisoned food and acted as if he was dying.

When Nyi Bagendit saw Sangkuriang’s lifeless body, she was overjoyed and threw him into the river. But to her surprise, Sangkuriang was not dead, he was only pretending. He managed to escape and ran away from the village, leaving Nyi Bagendit shocked and defeated.

After his escape, Sangkuriang sought refuge in the nearby mountains. He started meditating and praying to the gods, asking for their help and guidance. The gods were impressed by his kind heart and granted him supernatural powers.

With his newfound powers, Sangkuriang decided to take revenge on Nyi Bagendit and teach her a lesson she would never forget. He used his powers to create a massive flood that destroyed Nyi Bagendit’s rice fields and turned the area into a lake.

This lake is now known as Situ Bagendit, named after the powerful widow whose greed caused her downfall. The villagers believe that the lake is a reminder of the importance of kindness, compassion, and the consequences of greed.

How to tell the story of Situ Bagendit in English?

Telling the story of Situ Bagendit in English is a great way to share Indonesian folklore and culture with people from around the world. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to tell the story in English:

Step 1: Introduce the background

Start by introducing the setting of the story, which is Situ Bagendit, a lake located in West Java, Indonesia. Mention that the story is a popular folk tale from the region.

Step 2: Introduce the main characters

Introduce the two main characters: Nyi Bagendit, a powerful and wealthy widow known for her greed, and Sangkuriang, a kind and compassionate young man who wants to teach Nyi Bagendit a lesson.

Step 3: Describe Nyi Bagendit’s cruelty

Explain how Nyi Bagendit mistreats the farmers who work in her rice fields, paying them very little for their hard work. Emphasize her selfishness and greed.

Step 4: Introduce Sangkuriang

Describe Sangkuriang as a young and handsome man who returns to the village after years of traveling and studying. Highlight his kind-heartedness and the love he receives from the villagers.

Step 5: Sangkuriang’s plan

Explain how Sangkuriang disguises himself as a poor farmer and starts working in Nyi Bagendit’s rice fields to teach her a lesson. Describe his hard work and the small irrigation canal he digs to provide water for the exhausted farmers.

Step 6: Nyi Bagendit’s anger

Detail Nyi Bagendit’s furious reaction when she finds out about the canal. Mention her confrontation with Sangkuriang and her demand for him to stop helping the farmers.

Step 7: Sangkuriang’s escape and revenge

Narrate Sangkuriang’s escape after pretending to eat poisoned food and acting as if he’s dying. Describe Nyi Bagendit’s shock when she throws him into the river but realizes that he’s still alive. Mention Sangkuriang seeking refuge in the mountains and praying for supernatural powers.

Step 8: The flood and the creation of Situ Bagendit

Explain how Sangkuriang uses his supernatural powers for revenge. Describe the massive flood he creates that destroys Nyi Bagendit’s rice fields and turns the area into a lake, which is now known as Situ Bagendit.


1. Is Situ Bagendit a real lake in West Java?

Yes, Situ Bagendit is a real lake located in West Java, Indonesia. The lake is known for its beautiful scenery and is popular among tourists and locals.

2. What is the moral lesson of the story of Situ Bagendit?

The moral lesson of the story is the importance of kindness, compassion, and the consequences of greed. It teaches us to be mindful of our actions and to treat others with fairness and respect.

3. Are there any other legends or folk tales from Indonesia?

Yes, Indonesia is rich in legends and folk tales. Some popular ones include the legend of Sangkuriang, the legend of Roro Jonggrang, and the legend of Malin Kundang. Each of these tales has its unique moral lessons and cultural significance.


The story of Situ Bagendit teaches us about the consequences of greed and the importance of kindness and compassion. It reminds us to treat others with fairness and respect, and to be mindful of the impact our actions can have on others. By sharing this story, we can inspire others to reflect on their behavior and strive to make the world a better place. Let’s learn from the tale of Situ Bagendit and make a positive change in our own lives and communities.

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