Contoh Opening dan Closing Berita dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan Gaya Santai

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Pagi ini, terdapat beberapa contoh menarik mengenai cara membuat opening dan closing berita dalam bahasa Inggris yang dapat memberikan sentuhan jurnalistik dengan gaya santai. Meskipun bisa memberikan kesan yang lebih terbuka dan akrab, gaya penulisan ini tetap mengedepankan kejelasan dan fakta yang akurat dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada pembaca. Yuk, simak contoh-contohnya!

Contoh Opening Berita:

1. “Wazzup, peeps! Kabar terkini datang dari dunia musik internasional, di mana sang diva, Beyoncé, siap menyapa penggemar Indonesia dengan konser hebatnya! Yes, Queen B akan menggebrak panggung Jakarta bulan depan!”

2. “Halo, teman-teman pecinta kuliner! Para foodies tanah air bisa menyambut kehadiran restoran Korea terpanas yang baru saja dibuka di jantung Jakarta. Yuk, kita ‘buat tangan terasa kecil’ di Mom’s Kimchi dan nikmati lezatnya makanan Korea yang autentik!”

3. “Hayo, gadis-gadis dan cowok-cowok keren! Siap-siap buat menjadi bintang di catwalk karena ajang pencarian model terbesar di kota ini akan segera dimulai. ‘Model Quest’ kembali lagi dengan segudang kejutan dan bakat baru. Daftar sekarang juga dan tunjukkan bakatmu!”

Contoh Closing Berita:

1. “Selamat, peeps! Pertunjukan panggung Beyoncé di Jakarta benar-benar berhasil memukau penggemar musik dalam negeri. Dengan penampilannya yang energik dan pesona luar biasa, kita semua sepakat bahwa Beliau adalah sang Ratu di atas panggung.”

2. “Jadi, teman-teman, tunggu apa lagi? Jangan sampai ketinggalan Mom’s Kimchi, surganya para pecinta kuliner Korea di Jakarta. Dengan cita rasa yang otentik dan suasana restoran yang nyaman, destinasi kuliner baru ini wajib masuk daftar ‘must-try’ kamu!”

3. “Terima kasih, gadis-gadis dan cowok-cowok keren, atas partisipasinya dalam ‘Model Quest’ tahun ini. Proses seleksi akan segera dimulai, dan tim juri tidak sabar untuk menemukan bakat-bakat baru yang akan menggebrak industri mode kita. Teruslah semangat dan jadilah bintang!”

Demikianlah beberapa contoh opening dan closing berita dalam bahasa Inggris dengan gaya santai. Menggabungkan kejelasan informasi dengan ungkapan yang lebih akrab dapat membuat pembaca merasa lebih dekat dengan cerita yang disampaikan. Selamat mencoba!

Opening News

News articles typically begin with a catchy opening that grabs the reader’s attention and provides a brief overview of the topic. The opening should be concise and informative, setting the tone for the rest of the article.

For example:

After months of anticipation, the long-awaited breakthrough in renewable energy has finally arrived. A team of scientists at a renowned research institute has developed a revolutionary solar panel that surpasses all previous models in terms of efficiency and affordability. This game-changing invention is set to revolutionize the energy industry and pave the way for a greener and more sustainable future.


The opening of a news article aims to capture the reader’s attention and provide a glimpse of the main story. In this example, the opening highlights the significance of the breakthrough in renewable energy and creates intrigue by mentioning the improved efficiency and affordability of the solar panel. It generates curiosity and sets the stage for the subsequent information that will be presented in the article.

Closing News

The closing section of a news article serves to summarize the key points and provide a sense of closure. It often includes a concluding statement or a call to action for the reader.

For example:

In conclusion, the groundbreaking solar panel represents a major step forward in the pursuit of renewable energy. Its remarkable efficiency and affordability offer a glimmer of hope for a world striving to combat climate change and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. As we move forward, it is crucial for governments, industries, and individuals to embrace this transformative technology and work together towards a cleaner and greener future.


The closing of a news article aims to leave a lasting impression on the reader and emphasize the significance of the information presented. In this example, the closing emphasizes the importance of the solar panel in addressing the global challenges of climate change and energy sustainability. It encourages readers to take action and highlights the need for collaboration among various stakeholders in adopting renewable energy solutions.

Example Opening of a News Article

New Breakthrough in Medical Research Unveils Potential Cure for Cancer


This opening grabs the reader’s attention by introducing a groundbreaking development in the field of medical research. The mention of a potential cure for cancer creates immediate interest and intrigue, as cancer is a widely studied and highly impactful disease. It promises to provide critical information and updates on this significant medical breakthrough.

Example Closing of a News Article

In summary, the recent breakthrough in medical research brings hope to millions of individuals battling cancer. While further studies and clinical trials are necessary to validate the findings, this discovery marks a promising development in the fight against this devastating disease. It is a testament to the tireless efforts of scientists and researchers worldwide, and it reminds us that progress is possible even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.


The closing section of the news article offers a concise summary of the main points discussed throughout the article. It acknowledges the significance of the breakthrough while reminding readers that further research is required for its validation. The closing also highlights the dedication of scientists and researchers, leaving the reader with a sense of hope and inspiration in the face of adversity.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are the benefits of renewable energy?

Renewable energy offers numerous benefits, including reduced carbon emissions, improved air quality, and enhanced energy security. It also provides a sustainable and inexhaustible source of power, reducing our reliance on finite fossil fuels.

2. How does the groundbreaking solar panel differ from previous models?

The groundbreaking solar panel surpasses previous models in terms of both efficiency and affordability. It utilizes advanced technology to maximize the conversion of sunlight into electricity, resulting in higher energy output. Additionally, its innovative design and manufacturing processes have significantly reduced production costs, making renewable energy more accessible to the masses.

3. How can individuals contribute to a greener future?

Individuals can contribute to a greener future by adopting sustainable practices such as conserving energy, reducing waste, and promoting renewable energy solutions. Simple actions like using energy-efficient appliances, recycling, and carpooling can make a significant impact on reducing our carbon footprint and preserving the environment for future generations.


In conclusion, the groundbreaking solar panel represents a significant breakthrough in renewable energy. Its improved efficiency and affordability offer hope for a greener and more sustainable future. It is crucial for governments, industries, and individuals to embrace this technology and work together to transition towards a cleaner and more environmentally-friendly energy landscape. By taking action and adopting sustainable practices, we can contribute to a better world for ourselves and generations to come.

Mengajar bahasa dan menulis ulasan. Antara pengajaran dan penilaian, aku menjelajahi pengetahuan dan refleksi dalam kata.

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