Surat Kartu Pos: Pengalaman Seru Liburan Penuh Kenangan di Bahasa Inggris!

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Pernahkah kamu membayangkan betapa menariknya mengirim dan menerima surat kartu pos yang berisi cerita seru tentang liburanmu? Nah, kali ini kita akan membahas tentang “contoh postcard dalam bahasa Inggris tentang liburan” yang akan memberikanmu inspirasi untuk mengekspresikan pengalaman liburanmu dengan bahasa yang santai dan asyik.

Saat melintasi jalan-jalan indah di Inggris, aku tak henti-hentinya terpesona oleh keindahan alam dan juga budaya yang menakjubkan. Aku ingin berbagi pengalaman ini denganmu, jadi mari kita mulai menulis surat kartu pos kita!


Dear [Nama Teman],

Hi! Aku harap surat postcard ini bisa menemukanmu dalam keadaan baik-baik saja. Aku sedang berpetualang di Inggris, negara yang penuh dengan keindahan alam dan juga pesona budaya yang tak terlupakan.

Ini adalah liburan yang aku impikan! Aku telah mengunjungi berbagai tempat menarik mulai dari kota-kota megah seperti London hingga pedesaan yang tenang di Cotswolds. Setiap sudut di Inggris ini mengundangku untuk terus memotret dan menciptakan kenangan tak terlupakan.

Ketika aku berada di London, suasana metropolitan memukauku. Gedung-gedung tinggi, Jembatan Tower Bridge yang ikonik, dan kerumunan orang-orang dari berbagai negara, semuanya menyatu menjadi sebuah panorama kota modern yang menakjubkan. Aku juga tak ketinggalan mencoba tradisi setara dengan “fish and chips” yang terkenal di sini. Sensasi crispy dari ikan dan kentang goreng dengan saus tartar di atasnya, benar-benar tak terlupakan!

Namun, liburan ini tak hanya tentang kota besar. Ketika aku tiba di Cotswolds, aku menemukan pesona desa-desa kecil yang seolah-olah berada dalam lukisan yang indah. Rumah-rumah dengan atap beralur, taman-taman bunga yang terawat, dan kebun hijau yang memanjakan mata, membuatku merasa seperti berada di surga yang tenang. Aku juga mengunjungi kastil tua yang elegan, dengan cerita sejarah yang begitu menarik.

Aku juga berhasil menyambangi Stonehenge, sebuah situs prasejarah yang misterius. Melihat deretan batu raksasa yang besar dan bulat berdiri kokoh di atas rerumputan hijau, membuatku terpesona oleh keajaiban alam yang tak tergambarkan.

Sekarang, liburan ini semakin memperkaya diriku dengan pengalaman menakjubkan yang baru. Aku ingin berbagi kebahagiaan ini denganmu karena aku tahu betapa kamu akan menyukainya. Aku tak sabar ingin tahu tentang pengalaman liburanmu! Jangan lupa ceritakan semuanya ketika kita bertemu nanti.

Okay, aku harus melanjutkan petualanganku. Semoga surat postcard ini bisa sampai dengan selamat dan membawakanmu senyuman. Sampai jumpa!

Dengan penuh kebahagiaan,
[Your Name]


Dalam surat kartu pos ini, aku berusaha mengekspresikan pengalaman liburan dengan gaya penulisan jurnalistik yang santai namun tetap menggugah, supaya kamu bisa merasakan serunya liburan tersebut. Dengan begitu, artikel jurnal ini bisa membantu meningkatkan SEO dan peringkat di mesin pencari Google. Semoga bisa memberikanmu inspirasi untuk menulis surat kartu pos dalam bahasa Inggris tentang liburanmu yang bisa bikin orang lain terinspirasi dan ingin mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang sama. Selamat menulis!

What is a postcard?

A postcard is a piece of cardstock or thick paper that is typically rectangular in shape and used for sending short messages or greetings to someone while traveling or on vacation. It features a photograph or an illustration on one side and a space for the sender to write a personal message on the other side. Postcards are commonly available in various designs and themes, capturing the essence of a particular place or event.

A Complete Example of a Postcard about Vacation in English

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this postcard finds you well. I wanted to share some exciting news with you – I’m currently on vacation in [destination]. The moment I arrived, I was greeted with breathtaking views of turquoise blue waters and golden sandy beaches. It truly feels like paradise.

The weather here is absolutely perfect. The sun shines brightly, and there’s a gentle breeze that keeps things cool and comfortable. The locals are friendly and have welcomed me with open arms. I’ve had the opportunity to immerse myself in the vibrant culture and traditions of this place.

One of the highlights of my trip so far has been exploring the local cuisine. The flavors and aromas are unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I highly recommend trying the traditional dishes such as [dish name] and [dish name]. They are incredibly delicious and will surely leave you craving for more.

I’ve also been enjoying various recreational activities. From snorkeling in the crystal-clear waters to hiking through lush green forests, there is no shortage of adventures to embark on. The landscapes here are simply breathtaking, and I’ve captured some stunning photographs to remind me of this incredible journey.

In the evenings, I’ve been taking leisurely strolls along the beach, enjoying the mesmerizing sunsets. There’s something magical about watching the sun dip below the horizon, casting a beautiful golden glow across the sky. It’s moments like these that make vacations unforgettable.

Overall, this vacation has been everything I imagined and more. Every day brings new discoveries and unforgettable experiences. I wish you could be here with me to witness the beauty of this place firsthand. I promise to bring back a little piece of this paradise for you.

Take care and see you soon!

Warmest regards,

[Your Name]

How to Write a Postcard about Vacation in English

Writing a postcard about your vacation in English is a great way to share your experiences and create lasting memories. Here are the steps to write a postcard about vacation:

1. Choose a Captivating Image

Select a postcard with an image that best represents the destination or experience you want to share with your recipient. It could be a picture of a famous landmark, a scenic view, or an activity you enjoyed during your vacation.

2. Address the Recipient

Start the postcard by addressing the recipient. Write “Dear [Recipient’s Name],” to make it more personal. If you’re sending the postcard to multiple people, address them collectively, such as “Dear Friends,” or “Dear Family.”

3. Start with a Greeting

Begin the message with a warm greeting, such as “I hope this postcard finds you well” or “Greetings from [destination].” This sets the tone for your message and creates a connection with the recipient.

4. Share Exciting News

Tell the recipient about your vacation and the destination you’re currently in. Highlight any memorable experiences, breathtaking views, or unique activities you’ve participated in. Be descriptive and paint a vivid picture with your words.

5. Talk about the Weather and Locals

Discuss the weather conditions in the destination and how it has contributed to your vacation experience. Mention the hospitality and kindness of the locals, as their interactions can greatly impact your overall impression of the place.

6. Recommend Local Cuisine

Share your culinary adventures by recommending local dishes or specialties the recipient should try. Describe the flavors and appeal of the food to entice their taste buds and make them curious.

7. Describe Recreational Activities

Talk about the various recreational activities you’ve engaged in during your vacation. Whether it’s swimming, hiking, sightseeing, or any other unique experiences, provide details that highlight the enjoyment and excitement of each activity.

8. Describe the Nightlife or Relaxation

If there are memorable nighttime experiences, such as stunning sunsets or vibrant nightlife, mention those in your postcard. Alternatively, share moments of relaxation, like walks on the beach or enjoying the local ambiance.

9. Summarize Your Experience

Wrap up your postcard by summarizing your overall vacation experience in a few sentences. Express your wish for the recipient to join you on such an incredible journey and promise to bring back a souvenir or memory.

10. End with Warm Regards

Sign off with warm regards or a personal message. Depending on your relationship with the recipient, you can use phrases like “Take care and see you soon!” or “Missing you and sending love from [destination].”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I send a postcard without a stamp?

A: No, in order to send a postcard through traditional mail, you need to affix a stamp to the designated spot on the postcard. The stamp covers the postage cost and ensures your postcard reaches its intended recipient.

Q: Can I send a postcard internationally?

A: Yes, you can send postcards internationally. However, keep in mind that additional postage fees may apply based on the destination country. Check with your local postal service for the specific rates and requirements for international postcard mailing.

Q: How long does it take for a postcard to reach its destination?

A: The delivery time for a postcard can vary depending on various factors, such as the distance between the sender and recipient, customs procedures (for international postcards), and the efficiency of the postal service. Typically, postcards within the same country may take a few days to a week, while international postcards can take anywhere from a week to several weeks.


Writing a postcard about your vacation in English allows you to share your experiences and emotions with your loved ones back home. By following the steps mentioned above, you can craft a captivating postcard that captures the essence of your vacation and leaves a lasting impression on the recipient.

So, the next time you embark on a memorable journey, don’t forget to send a postcard to share your adventures and make someone’s day a little brighter!

Mengajar dan mendalami sastra. Antara pengajaran dan pemahaman sastra, aku menjelajahi keindahan kata dan pengetahuan.

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