“Contoh Surat Komplain dan Balasannya dalam Bahasa Inggris: Ekspresikan Kekecewaan dengan Santai”

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Surat komplain menjadi salah satu cara yang efektif untuk menyampaikan keluhan kepada pihak terkait. Dalam dunia yang semakin terhubung ini, kemampuan untuk mengekspresikan kekecewaan dalam bahasa Inggris juga menjadi penting. Nah, berikut ini akan kami hadirkan contoh surat komplain dan balasannya dalam bahasa Inggris, dengan nada yang santai dan gaya penulisan jurnalistik yang menarik.

Dear Customer Service,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Maya, a regular customer of your online store. I am writing to express my disappointment regarding my recent purchase experience.

Last week, I ordered a pair of sports shoes from your website, and I must say that I had high expectations considering the positive reviews I read online. Unfortunately, upon receiving the package yesterday, I was shocked to find out that the shoes were in a damaged condition. The left shoe had obvious scratches, and the right shoe seemed to have a manufacturing defect with loose stitching.

As an enthusiastic runner, you can imagine my disappointment. I was really looking forward to using these shoes for my upcoming marathon. However, due to the condition they arrived in, it is impossible for me to wear them comfortably, let alone run long distances.

I understand that errors may occasionally occur during the packaging process, but it is quite disappointing to receive a damaged product when it was supposed to be brand new. I kindly request immediate action to rectify this issue.

I would appreciate it if you could arrange a replacement for the damaged shoes as soon as possible. Additionally, if possible, I would like to request expedited shipping so that I can still receive the shoes in time for my marathon. I really hope that the replacement pair will be delivered in perfect condition, as I believe in the quality of your products.

Looking forward to your prompt response and resolution to this matter. I trust that you will take my complaint seriously and ensure customer satisfaction.

Yours faithfully,



Dear Maya,

We would like to begin this letter by expressing our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused to you regarding your recent purchase from our online store. We truly understand your disappointment and frustration, especially considering your upcoming marathon.

At [Company Name], we deeply value customer satisfaction and it was disheartening to hear about the damaged condition of the sports shoes that you received. We completely understand your desire to receive the product in perfect condition, and unfortunately, it seems like we have failed to meet your expectations this time.

Rest assured, we take this matter very seriously and we have already initiated an investigation to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. Regarding your request for a replacement, we have expedited the process and a brand-new pair of sports shoes will be shipped to you immediately. We have also made sure that the replacement product goes through a thorough quality check to ensure its pristine condition.

To compensate for the inconvenience caused, we have upgraded your shipping to express delivery without any additional charges. This should ensure that you receive the replacement pair well before your marathon date.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused and we appreciate your understanding. We value your loyalty and we want to ensure that you continue to have a positive shopping experience with us.

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. We are here to assist you throughout the process.

Wishing you all the best for your upcoming marathon, and we hope our replacement product fulfills your expectations.

Best regards,

[Customer Service Representative]
[Company Name]

Apa Itu Surat Komplain dan Balasannya?

Surat komplain adalah jenis surat yang dikirim oleh pelanggan atau konsumen kepada perusahaan atau institusi untuk mengungkapkan ketidakpuasan mereka terhadap produk, layanan, atau pengalaman yang mereka terima. Surat komplain digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan masalah yang ditemui dan meminta solusi atau kompensasi dari pihak yang bersangkutan.

Balasan surat komplain adalah tanggapan resmi yang diberikan oleh perusahaan atau institusi kepada pelanggan sebagai respons terhadap keluhan atau masalah yang diajukan dalam surat komplain tersebut. Balasan ini berfungsi untuk menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang akan diambil, memberikan klarifikasi, dan menawarkan solusi yang sesuai.

Cara Membuat Surat Komplain

1. Sampaikan Identitas dan Rincian Kontak

Pada bagian pertama surat komplain, cantumkan identitas Anda seperti nama, alamat, nomor telepon, dan alamat email. Hal ini penting agar pihak yang bersangkutan dapat menghubungi Anda untuk memberikan respons atau mengklarifikasi informasi lebih lanjut.

2. Jelaskan Masalah Secara Spesifik

Jelaskan masalah yang Anda alami dengan rincian yang spesifik. Sampaikan tanggal, waktu, dan tempat kejadian jika relevan. Hindari penggunaan bahasa yang emosional atau menuduh agar surat komplain Anda tetap profesional.

3. Lampirkan Bukti atau Dokumen Pendukung

Jika memungkinkan, lampirkan bukti atau dokumen pendukung yang relevan dengan masalah yang Anda sampaikan. Ini dapat berupa foto, faktur, kwitansi, atau salinan percakapan atau email sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan masalah tersebut. Hal ini dapat membantu perusahaan atau institusi untuk memahami dan memvalidasi masalah yang Anda laporkan.

4. Sampaikan Harapan dan Permintaan Anda

Tentukan harapan Anda terkait resolusi atas masalah yang Anda sampaikan. Apakah Anda menginginkan penggantian produk atau layanan, kompensasi keuangan, atau solusi lainnya. Pastikan permintaan Anda realistis dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

5. Tutup Surat dengan Pembukaan untuk Tanggapan

Akhiri surat komplain Anda dengan permintaan untuk respons atau tanggapan dari pihak yang bersangkutan dalam jangka waktu yang wajar. Cantumkan informasi kontak yang dapat dihubungi atau sarankan metode komunikasi yang diinginkan, seperti telepon atau email.

Contoh Surat Komplain

Berikut adalah contoh surat komplain dalam bahasa Inggris yang menggambarkan situasi di mana seorang pelanggan tidak puas dengan layanan pelanggan yang diberikan oleh suatu perusahaan:

[Nama Anda]

[Alamat Anda]

[Kota, Kode Pos]


[Nama Perusahaan]

[Alamat Perusahaan]

[Kota, Kode Pos]

Subject: Complaint about Poor Customer Service

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my disappointment with the customer service I received from your company. On [date], I called your customer service hotline to inquire about a billing issue I had with my account. Unfortunately, the representative I spoke with was rude and unhelpful throughout our conversation.

I explained my concern regarding the inaccurate charges on my latest bill, but the representative seemed disinterested and did not provide any clear explanation or resolution. Moreover, the tone of the representative’s voice was condescending and unprofessional, which further aggravated my frustration.

As a loyal customer of your company for several years, I expect to be treated with respect and receive assistance when encountering problems. However, the experience I had with your customer service representative was far from satisfactory.

I kindly request that you investigate this matter and take the necessary steps to ensure that your customer service team maintains a high level of professionalism and provides satisfactory assistance to customers. Additionally, I would appreciate a refund or adjustment to my bill to rectify the incorrect charges.

Please respond to this complaint within [reasonable time frame], and I hope we can resolve this matter promptly and amicably. I can be reached at [phone number] or [email address].

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

Contoh Balasan Surat Komplain

Berikut adalah contoh balasan surat komplain dalam bahasa Inggris yang merespons keluhan di atas:

[Nama Perusahaan]

[Alamat Perusahaan]

[Kota, Kode Pos]


[Nama Anda]

[Alamat Anda]

[Kota, Kode Pos]

Subject: Response to Complaint about Poor Customer Service

Dear [Your Name],

Thank you for bringing to our attention the issue you faced with our customer service. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and frustration you experienced during your interaction with our representative on [date].

We have thoroughly reviewed the call recording and identified the areas where our representative failed to provide the level of service we strive to deliver. We have taken immediate action to address this concern internally, including additional training and coaching for our customer service team to ensure they adhere to our standards of professionalism and assist customers effectively.

In regards to the billing issue you mentioned, we have investigated your account and identified the error. We apologize for the incorrect charges and have adjusted your bill accordingly. You will receive a revised statement within [time frame].

We value your loyalty as a customer and appreciate your feedback, as it helps us improve our services. We assure you that we remain committed to providing exceptional customer experiences and will take all necessary steps to prevent similar incidents in the future.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at [phone number] or [email address].

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to address this matter, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. We look forward to continuing our relationship with you as a valued customer.

Best regards,

[Customer Service Manager’s Name]

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Apakah saya bisa mengajukan komplain melalui email?

Ya, Anda dapat mengajukan komplain melalui email dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah yang sama seperti dalam surat komplain. Pastikan untuk mencantumkan informasi kontak yang dapat dihubungi agar perusahaan dapat merespons komplain Anda dengan baik.

2. Berapa lama biasanya perusahaan merespons surat komplain?

Waktu respons tergantung pada kebijakan masing-masing perusahaan. Namun, sebagian besar perusahaan berusaha merespons komplain dalam waktu kurang dari 7-10 hari kerja.

3. Apa yang harus saya lakukan jika perusahaan tidak memberikan respons terhadap komplain saya?

Jika perusahaan tidak memberikan respons dalam waktu yang wajar, Anda dapat mengirimkan pengingat atau menghubungi otoritas yang relevan (jika ada), seperti bagian pengaduan konsumen atau lembaga perlindungan konsumen.


Penting untuk mengetahui cara membuat dan menulis surat komplain dengan jelas dan secara profesional ketika menghadapi masalah dengan produk atau layanan. Dengan menyampaikan keluhan Anda dengan tepat, memberikan bukti yang relevan, dan menawarkan solusi yang realistis, Anda meningkatkan peluang untuk mendapatkan resolusi yang memuaskan.

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